Thursday, December 13, 2018

1-Week Workshop on AI & ML in collaboration with E & ICT Academy, MNIT, Jaipur - Registration Form

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Screening Test -2 (25-10-2018)

1.   Find out first & second largest numbers without using arrays.

2.   Display given number in word format like12345 as One Two Three Four Five with & without using looping statements (for, while, do-while).

3.   Addition of n matrices.

4.   Calculate y = (1!/x) + (2!/x2) + ...............+ (n!/xn) using modular programming(functions).

5.   Create “Account” Database with possible number of attributes & operations using structures.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Login Information for Test-1

Dear sir

The online exam moddle details. & Steps:

1.Open web browser and type the url

And press enter

2.go to the *student login* tab

3. Use login id as student register number (with capital letters)

4.passord is lbrce2367 (all are small case letters)

5.after that they will get question paper.

Thank you  sir or madam.

CA - 3 4 5 Units